Thanks to all of you who contributed to the list in this forums thread:

http://etsywiki.com/ Accumulated wisdom from seasoned sellers.
http://etsytreasurydemo.blogspot.com/ Treasury tutorial.
http://www.etsy.com/treasury_west.php Test Treasury.
http://www.etsy.com/poster_sketch.php Prepare a treasury.
http://www.etsy.com/tag_fractal.php Tag Fractal Etsy Search. Cool!
http://team.etsy.com/downloads.html The old Resources page, which has the postcards.
http://team.etsy.com/images/jellibig.jpeg One more postcard from Jellibat. (Thanks!)
http://fix.etsy.com/ Where to go if Etsy is down.
http://majaba.org/heartomatic See hearts and views in one place. By Juln.etsy.com.
http://bestysearch.com/ Lots of other ways to search Etsy.
https://www.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_ship-now Secret Paypal shipping link.
http://etsy.ppcalc.com/ Fees calculators.
http://checkout.google.com/ Alternate payment option.
http://www.propay.com/?refid=ETSYOLCM Propay discount link. Alternate payment and means to take credit cards at fairs.
http://www.geocities.com/vlhester/index.html TheBeadingTree's international rate chart.
http://www.shelfmasters.com/InternationalRateChart.aspx International Postage rate chart. (Has not been updated.)
http://www.thumbalizr.com/ Cross platform means to screen shots.
http://www.superscreenshot.com/ Another screen shot capture. (thanks hippyofdoom)
http://tinyurl.com/ Make long links short.
http://tools.oratory.com/altcodes.html How to make those little characters.
http://www.onlineconversion.com/ Conversions.
http://picnik.com/ Pic site.
http://www.primopdf.com/ Convert any document to a PDF!
http://etsyforeveryone.typepad.com/my_weblog/graphics/index.html How to make your own banner. And lots more!
http://www.weloveetsy.com/shops We love etsy shops directory.
mini blogs:
Gift Certificate knowledge:
http://www.consumersunion.org/pub/core_financial_services/003889.html Consumer's Union
http://www.rimmkaufman.com/content/brannlawgiftcertchart.pdf PDF document chart
http://www.naag.org/ag/full_ag_table.php You can also check out your attorney general's website
http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/business.shtm Labeling requirements for cloth goods, info about selling jewelry, including appropriate wording to use for silver vs silver-colored jewelry...
I have to remember that this is here. Can I link your blog to my blog?
You're welcome to link. Link away! :) Several people have linked to the FAQs. The more informed people are - the better. :)
Linking! Great Blog loosewire :0)
Great information! Thanks!
This is extremely helpful--thanks for compiling it!! I'm going to link it on my blog--it should be helpful to many people.
Smiles, Karen
thank you so much for the links..really helpful!!
Ooooo - this is great! Thanks!
Absolutely flabbergasted at the great info you collected here!!! Gosh, how generous of you to share it all. I certainly see a few I need!
(Sorry about that deleted comment. I totally screwed it up.)
Thanks loosewire...always so helpful.
would it be relevant to add the list of etsy sellers who wholesale?
updated daily with umm, i think over 530 shops listed so far. :)
Has anyone listed http://www.letsets.com? It makes a .xml download for your etsy shop so you can easily upload you whole shop to Google Base! Its wonderful!
Such useful links, and now all in one easy to bookmark place - thank you so much!
Great collection of info here!
Thanks :)
~~Meredith aka Maggie Sue
OOOOOOOO!!! A Cyber Hug for You!!
Wow. Way neat of you to maintain this list for all of us! Thank you is not good enough to say. I'm a new Etsyan and trying to navigate these waters is difficult. You really are super!
If I may self-promote, I've made some tools available at http://www.etsyhacks.com/
Mostly add-ons for the Firefox web browser right now.
thankyou so much for all of this stuff- its great.
Thanks for the helpful information. I've linked my blog with yours.
This is a wonderful list! So thorough!
There a lot of helpful info here! Thank you, I'm going to have come back and spend more time here!
Thank you for sharing the fantastic list! What a great resource!
Hey ... there's a new etsy tool site called www.tools4etsy.com
Oooh, love this...
Great list thank you. :)
I'd like to add this one:
It finds all the treasuries you are currently in. ;)
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